Simacan data shows:

Still 33% less traffic jam on the Dutch roads than before corona

Tue | 28 Jun 2022 | News
Simacan data shows:

Still 33% less traffic jam on the Dutch raods than before corona

Our Simacan platform collects an enormous amount of different types of data; transport movements of our clients, but also real-time traffic information, for example. We have put together some Dutch data for you, covering the period from 1 January to 1 June 2022. Some interesting and striking facts:

  • Did you know that the increase in traffic delays in this period is 49% higher than in the same period last year, not surprising of course because of the lockdowns and the governments advice to work from home that were still in place then. But compared to 2019 (i.e. pre-corona), there is still less delay, namely -33%;
  • The quietest delivery day in this period fell on January 1st and the busiest day fell on April 14th. On this busiest day, no fewer than 12273 vehicle journeys were made by the various carriers and transport services;
  • The busiest month was March and the quietest was February.

We use this data, and much more, in our platform. In this way we give our customers 100% insight into their entire transport operation. In addition, it is important to be able to collaborate and communicate in real-time with multiple parties and information flows in the supply chain. Simacan offers an intelligent, user-friendly, cost-efficient and real-time platform that is accessible to all supply chain stakeholders.

Simacan_Stats_Infographic_January until June 2022

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